Dear Mishraji, If I may join the thread: Both mantras are used. The one without using the pranava is the Panchakshari Shiva Mantra and the one with the pranava is the Shadakshari Shiva Mantra. Please see below Example number 2 for its explanation.
(a) Counting mantras in the horoscope
i. Count the number of words in the mantra. Assign the corresponding number of bhävas as Point A.
ii. Count the number of akñaras in the mantra. Assign the corresponding number of bhävas as Point B.
iii. Count the number of bhävas from point A to point B.
iv. Count that many bhävas from B and mark that Point C.
v. Point A is from where the energy of the mantra is taken.
vi. Point B is where the energy of the mantra is invested.
vii. Point C is where the Mantra Devatä sits.
viii. The number of words in the mantra indicates the number of mälä to be chanted.
1. Om namo bhagavate väsudeväya
Number of words: 4
Number of akñaras: 12
Seat of the Mantra Devatä: 8th house
Number of mälä: 4
The energy of the mantra is drawn from the 4th house, the hådaya of the devotee, and is invested in the 12th house, which is the paramam padam of Viñëu. Hence dvädaçäkñaré mantras are very sätvik, as the energy from all such mantras are offered at the feet of Viñëu, the 12th house representing the feet in the natural zodiac. The Mantra Devatä sits in the 8th house, cleansing our sins accumulated from our past births due to nija doña, for till the sins are burned one cannot embark on the mokña märga. Who else but Viñëu can burn our sins? The mantra spans the mokña trikoëa, indicating that dvädaçäkñaré mantras are aimed towards mokña.
2. Om namaù çiväya
Number of words: 3
Number of akñaras: 6
Seat of the Mantra Devatä: 9th house
Number of mälä: 3
The strength of the 3rd house is used to cleanse the ñaòripus represented in the 6th house. This cleansing is important before one can embark upon the path of dharma, which is the 9th house, the seat of the Mantra Devatä. It is Çiva alone who has the capacity to drink the poison of his devotees and digest it, and that is why he is known as Hara (one who removes sins), Nélakaëöha, the Blue-Throated One, blue because he has drunk the poison of the ripus of his devotees so that they can proceed on the dharma märga.
3. Namah Çiväya
Number of words: 2
Number of akñaras: 5
Seat of the Mantra Devatä: 8th House
Number of mälä: 2
The energy for this mantra is drawn from the 2nd house, the väca sthäna. All that is spoken, seen and eaten is transformed into knowledge in the 5th house. This knowledge is crucial for negating the ignorance accumulated over one’s past births, embedded in the 8th house. This ignorance is that of satya, of not realizing the truth, which can only come from the light of gyäna that shines through the 5th house of the natural zodiac. This gyäna is nothing but Brahmagyäna and none other than Çiva can bless us with this knowledge. Hence the païcäkñaré mantra of Çiva bestows knowledge and siddhi.
Best regards,
From: ramesh mishra [mailto:aarceemastro2002@...]
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 8:15 PM
To:; SJC List
Subject: Re: [vedic-astrology] Re: Mantra Devta
Respected Sanjay Rath Ji,
Thanks for sparing your valuable time for me. Now I could get the concept of approaching the appropriate houses where mantra devta should sit and to strengthen that house mantra jaap should be done. We should bear in mind that jaap should be done with the accurate syallables. But , while giving example of" Namah Shivaaya" mantra ,you have omitted the word "Om".
This ommission is necessary or om is not prefixed namah shivaaya.
However we shall meet next Sunday till then Pranaam.
Ramesh Mishra
Sanjay Rath
Jaya Jagannatha
Dear Ramesh Mishra ji
The mantra you state is the most famous Narayana astakshari. Astakshari means eight akshara.
Example -1:
om na-mo naa-raa-ya-Naa-ya
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = 8 akshara [Akshara = energy inflow, final result] = 8th house
1 2 3 = 3 words [Words = energy outflow, start of count] = 3rd house
Now count from 3rd house to 8th house, we get 6 houses
Now count as many houses from the 8th house. In this example we got 6 houses, so when we count six houses from 8th house, we get Lagna as the answer.
Final result = Naarayana is in LAGNA.
So the mantra devata Narayana sits in lagna and the recitation of this mantra gives good health, protection from all evils, long life and clear intellect. It is the greatest mantra for lagna suddhi and is one of the three mantras of the Narayana Kavacha. The greatest strength of this mantra is that it removes all kinds of nija dosha indicated by the 8th house or 8th lord and makes the lagna very strong.
Now study the dhyana or the meditation of the mantra devata. It starts as 'dhyaye sadaa savitrimandala madhyavarti Naaraayana..' and the reference is to the Sun which is the significator of Lagna and that Naraayana is in the centre of the solar orb.
The best mantras of the devatas always fall in the correct houses indicated for them. Then such mantra are called Prasiddha mantra and such mantra can only be originally given by the seers as they alone had such great sight and knowledge.
Example -2:
na-mah shi-vaa-ya
1 2 3 4 5 = 5 akshara = 5th house
1 2 = 2 words = 2nd house
Count from 2nd house to 5th house, we get 4 houses
Now count 4 houses from 5th house and we get 8th house. This is the house of Rudra and the panchakshari mantra has the power to give great knowledge as it cleanses the fifth house and finally this causes protection from all evils of 8th house where Shiva sits to protect you and grant longevity.
In this manner study the following
1. Surya astakshari
om ghri-ni suu-ry-aa-di-tya
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = 8 akshara
1 2 3 = 3 words
Mantra devata = 1st house (Lagna)
What happens when this is pronounced differently by breaking surya and aaditya
om ghri-ni suu-rya aa-di-tya
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8= 8 akshara
1 2 3 4 = 4 words
Mantra devata = 12th house in marana karaka sthana
See the change how the position of the mantra devata changes from Lagna to the 12th house which is the marana karaka sthana for Sun.
Thus while reciting the mantra if the words are not spelt jointly as indicated it can do a lot of harm.
1. om namo bhagavate vaasudevaaya
2. om namah shivaaya
3. om kshraum namo bhagavate narasimhaaya
4. om bhur namo bhagavate vyankateshaaya
5. brm brhaspataye namah
6. om namo bhagavate rudraaya
7. om namo bhagavate mahaamatsyaaya
8. gajamukha siddhirastu
9. hare raama krsNa
10. om hrim shrim krim paramesvari kaalike svaahaa
11. om namo bhagavate akuparaaya
12. vyam vedavyaasaaya namah
...just a start. I will give more exercise when we meet next sunday and explain from charts how to choose.
With best wishes and warm regards,
Sanjay Rath
* * *
Sri Jagannath Center®
15B Gangaram Hospital Road
New Delhi 110060, India, +91-11-25717162
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From: ramesh mishra [mailto:aarceemastro2002@...]
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 2:25 PM
To: vedic Astrology;
Subject: [vedic-astrology] Re: Mantra Devta
II Om Namo Narayanaaya II
Respected Sanjay Rath Ji, and Sarbani Ji,
I attended your lectures on the abovementioned topic delivered by you on March 20, 2005. I could not have a clear concept on Mantra Devta. It is therefore requested that kindly spare few minutes for me and for list members as well to clarify the doubts.
Mantra devta resides in the 4th house and the chosen mantra should be started from 4th house only .Is it correct ?
Take for example I have selected a mantra viz".OM NAMO NARAYANAAYA ".
This mantra has 3 words and 9 characters. If I start from 4th house then I have to go forward 3 houses away from fourth i.e.6th house and then again nine houses away from sixth house which comes to second house.Or,
Should I start from 3rd house because this mantra has three words and go three houses away from 3rd house i.e.5th house and then nine houses away from 5th house i.e. Lagna.By choosing either of the method what is the result in respect of second house or lagna.
While thinking about the selection of devta I am stuck up here regarding selection of the appropriate mantra. Please spare for me to make it clear concept with example.
Thanks and Pranaam,
Ramesh Mishra
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